EN: Democracy 2.0 Promotional trailer - we need democracy now .. actually we need direct democracy

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EN: Democracy 2.0 Promotional trailer - we need democracy now .. actually we need direct democracy

Jeśli komuś się chce przetłumaczyć, to kolejna propozycja. Z prawami autorskimi raczej nie będzie problemu. Znam osobiście ludzi, którzy to nakręcili.

"DemocracyProductions | 24. Juni 2009 | Gefällt 8, gefällt 2 nicht

We need democracy now. Actually we need direct democracy now.Why don't people vote? Why do we loathe and distrust our politicians? Want to have your voice heard? Looking for answers on how to reform government? Want your vote to matter? This trailer for a feature-length film answers these questions and provides a viable solution for what's wrong with democracy."